Talk:Gallery sites

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is there any way of "including" a page on another page?

If so, it would be nice to do the following:

  1. new page : C14_galleries
  2. edit C14 : include C14_galleries
  3. edit Gallery_sites : include C14_galleries

--Sloot 17:46, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

No way that I know of to whole-page inclusion. I've been keeping all the gallery links on one page to limit the amount of navigation required to actually access the things.

--Hellsop 18:17, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

ok - then I tried something. How does this work for you?

(look at the C3 and C14 pages as well to see how it relates)

(note - I added a C3 gallery just after the reformat -- in case you hate it and roll it back) --Sloot 18:47, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

Works for me.

--Hellsop 16:50, 15 August 2008 (UTC)